River Cruise Wednesday 9th of April
Published 2025-Mar-18
Hotel & Conference location: Hotel Haven, Unioninkatu 17, Helsinki
Get Together: Allas Restaurants, Katajanokanlaituri 2A, Helsinki
Sponsor: Enmacc
When: Wednesday 18.09 from 18:00
Autumn Meeting Thursday 19.09
08:30 Registration
09:00 Welcome by Trond Strøm, NAET Chairman
09:05 Legal & Compliance, Ilmatar
09:15 Enmacc
09:45 Coffee Break
10:00 EEX’s Vision for the Nordic Power Market – Building a Liquid Market Together - EEX, Steffen Riediger
10:45 Reforming EU's electricity forward market - Acer, Martin Povh
11:30 Lunch
13:00 Long Term view of the Nordic Power Market - StormGeo, Sigbjørn Seland
13:45 Panel discussion with Fredrik Bodecker as moderator
Participants: Morten Erik Pettersen (Uniper), Mikko Mäki-Petäjä (Fortum), Ketil Hovland (Statkraft),
Laurent Cheval (Vattenfall)
14:30 Workshop included Coffee Break
15:30 Into the Grey Zone - The changing face of crisis and conflict - Gråsoner, Ørjan Nordhus Kalsson and
Eystein Hanssen
16:30 Final words from NAET Chairman
Meet up before dinner: Helsinki Cruise (If weather is nice)
When: Boat departure from Kauppatori Thursday 19.09 @ 17:40
Departure back from Suomenlinna @ 19:35
Dinner: Restaurant Gaijin, Bulevardi 6, Helsinki
When: Thursday 19.09 @ 20:30