Ethical rules of NAET


At meetings, physical or digital, organized by NAET, the rules and guidelines determined by the authorities apply, at any given time.  In addition NAET works to promote a transparent market. 

These rules aim to

These rules aim to prevent problems in advance in NAET's operations. Our goal is to maintain the traditional credibility of the Nordic electricity market and promote the full functioning of the markets and impartial competition. 
The purpose of these rules is to secure that members of NAET trade and act according to the highest standards of honesty, fair competition and high ethics. The purpose is also to provide the members of NAET an insight to competition law and to secure that competition laws are not violated in NAET's operations.
These ethical rules are approved by the Board of NAET and reviewed if necessary.

Respect and promote free and fair competition.
Install your actions to promote and support free and fair competition.

Do not engage in activity that would amount to market abuse or market manipulation.
All applicable laws, regulations and rules shall be strictly followed.

Competition laws

High ethics require compliance with competition law, other relevant legislation and Nord Pool's rules and ethical guidelines. These laws must be obeyed in detail in all proceedings of NAET.

Member companies should contact their own corporate lawyers if more details legal problems occur.


The board of NAET has updated and approved the ethical guidelines, 2021-03-19